In our efforts to cover continuing developments on Bill 148 Issues in Ontario, we wish to share an analysis prepared by the Canadian Center for Economic Analysis, sponsored by the Keep Ontario Working coalition.
While the report focuses on impacts to the overall economy, we note the authors estimate a $23 Billion challenge for Ontario Businesses in the first two years of Bill 148’s implementation.
Of particular interest to APCC members;
- Over 185,000 overall jobs in Ontario will be at risk due to the changes,
- Approximately 14,000 jobs in the Professional, Scientific & Technical Services sector (where most APCC members have indicated they work), will also be placed ‘at risk’, and
- The author’s believe small business negative changes from the legislation will disproportionately impact small business (estimated impact 5x greater than large businesses).
Much of the Bill 148 discussion so far has been focused on Minimum wage and industrial sector impacts, however this report reveals its’ reach is potentially much broader, and will have an negative influence on the professional sector as well. We continue to monitor for developments on Bill 148, and raise the profile of its potential impact in Independent Contractors.
Members that are concerned about this proposed piece of legislation are encouraged to express their views to both the Ontario Ministry of Labour and their local MPP.
To see out recent post for resources to help you join the APCC’s advocacy campaign please click here.
For more information on the Canadian Center for Economic Analysis report, please see the resources below.