A Letter from APCC President Frank McCrea

The APCC is a not-for-profit professional association representing IT consultants across Canada. As well as representing the interests of IT consulting businesses on Canadian public policy issues, the association provides its members with exclusive group insurance plans, as well as relevant seminars and networking events.

In October 2011, the Federal Government proposed legislation which targeted contractors providing services through corporations determined to be Personal Service Businesses. The APCC is spearheading an effort to educate the Government on the importance of our industry and its significant contribution to the economic well being of Canada. As our work gathers momentum, we have been looking at a suitable platform that can help raise awareness of the issues we face within our business environment, as well as gather support from other, agencies, clients and anyone else that is a stakeholder in our industry.

With the intention to educate and inform our community, the APCC homepage will be dedicated to sharing important documentation that can help secure the future of the contract workforce industry in which we all earn our living. If you are already a member, or would like to become one, you can click here, or use the 'members area' link on the right hand side.

Please be sure to view our resources section, and to show support, we are requesting all stakeholders join the APCC group on LinkedIn so we can provide a live forum for those who will be affected by these Government legislations, so that they can voice their concerns and raise any questions.

Frank McCrea President, APCC